Cake Baking & Decorating with Buttercream
Learn the essential skills to bake, assemble, and decorate beautiful cakes in our hands-on Cake Baking & Decorating with Buttercream class. We'll cover everything from baking the perfect sponge to mastering buttercream techniques and creating fondant decorations. Not only that, but you'll also gain valuable insights into pricing, packaging, and transporting your creations. This class is perfect for aspiring cake business owners.
What you'll learn:
● Essential baking materials and color theory.
● Baking and storing vanilla and chocolate sponge cakes.
● Cake leveling techniques.
● Swiss meringue buttercream and American buttercream recipes.
● Homemade strawberry puree filling.
● Cake layering and assembly.
● Buttercream coating and sharp edge techniques.
● Buttercream coloring techniques.
● Replicating the class's signature cake design (as pictured).
● Using silicone molds for fondant shapes.
● Proper cake storage methods.
● Cake pricing strategies.
● Safe cake packaging and transportation.
● PDF recipe book and supplier list provided.
من خلال الكلاس هتتعلم:
.١- جميع الأدوات الأساسية والخامات المجربة والمضمونة والألوان المطلوبة للعمل
.٢- طريقة خبز سبونج كيك فانيليا وشيكولاته
.٣- طريقة تقسيم الكيك وتقطيعه
.٤- طريقة عمل كريمة الزبدة السويسرية والأمريكية
.٥- عمل بيوريه الفراولة لحشو الكيك
.٦- طريقة حشو الكيك
.٧- تغليف الكيك بكريمة الزبدة وعمل حواف حادة

Randa Mohamed
Pastry instructor